Barramundi Fishing At Its Finest!

Just 15 mins from Cairns CBD

Barramundi are salt and freshwater sportfish.
Whether you are an angler looking for a the excitement of catching this powerful fighter
or food enthusiast, barramundi offers something for everyone ( spectators will be $15 per person due to insurance policy)

About Our Farm

In Australia, there are many sustainable fish farms with strict environmental standards, minimising impacts on natural ecosystems. Trinity Beach Saltwater Barramundi Farm adheres to all standards.

Many people would be surprised to learn that Saltwater Barramundi Farm is also an apiary (bee farm).

Choose Your Barra Experience

Chase The Legend Beneath The Surface

Locally Owned and Sustainable

Locally Owned and Sustainable

Affordable All<br>Weather Family Fun

Affordable All
Weather Family Fun

Close to the City <br>and Airport

Close to the City
and Airport

Superior Quality and <br>Highly Sought After Fish

Superior Quality and
Highly Sought After Fish

Expert Crew and <br>Quality Equipment

Expert Crew and
Quality Equipment

Great For All Levels<br> of Fishing Experience

Great For All Levels
of Fishing Experience

Discover The Ultimate
Saltwater Catch

Barramundi are salt and freshwater sportfish. Whether you are an angler looking for a the excitement of catching this powerful fighter or food enthusiast, barramundi offers something for everyone.

Find Us

Lot 2, 46 Walker Road,
Yorkeys Knob,
QLD, Australia, 4878

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